Saturday, September 10, 2016

Anabolic Outlaws SUPER SARM

LGD-4033 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) developed to prevent muscle wasting, help fight cancer, greatly enhance lean muscle growth potential and help older individuals maintain strength and lean tissue.

It is non-steroidal, and is ingested orally. It binds to the androgen receptor with an extremely high affinity and selectivity, and once it does this it exerts exceptional anabolic effects in muscle and bone (this equals MORE muscle and MORE strength with LESS injuries).

What makes LGD-4033 unique is that it is expected to produce the therapeutic benefits of testosterone with improved safety, tolerability and patient acceptance. This is all done WITHOUT ANY negative Androgenic side effects that traditional steroids can cause (hair loss, natural testosterone shutdown, acne, testicle shrinkage, prostate issues, etc.)

During a typical LGD cycle there is minimal shut down (usually none at all) with a great increase in size, strength, and vascularity.

Because there are n0 Androgenic side effects from LGD-4033 (and all other SARMs for that matter) both men AND women can use LGD without having to worry about traditional steroid-like side effects.

What Can You Expect From LGD-4033?

LGD is the closest SARM that could be compared to the strength of an anabolic steroid. You can definitely expect increases in lean muscle mass and decreases in body fat.

The mass gains from LGD are superior to that of any other SARM at the moment, and ON AVERAGE, I would say 10 pounds of lean muscle gain is common amongst all of the logs and results I have seen in individuals.

Results are even more exceptional in those who bust their butt training hard and maintain a very good diet.

Get Your Sarms here: 

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