Friday, February 19, 2016

Vibrant Energy Drink

 Order Vibrant TODAY!!


For most people it begins providing results within 6-10 minutes. Noted effects are increased energy, stamina, mental clarity & focus, a sense of well-being for up to 7 hours.

If you love VIBRANT Energy Drink and would like to get paid to share it with people and tell them about it, you can sign up as a Basic Reset Affiliate for free and get a free web site too. You will get your VIBRANT DRINK at a low cost and earn commissions and bonuses for telling others about VIBRANT.

VIBRANT Energy drink is a balanced proprietary combination of highly-effective, all natural ingredients that work together on the cellular level. The result, is a powerful mental and physical boost that you will start to feel working in just minutes and that will last for hours.

VIBRANT contains a blend of nutrients, herbs, fruit extracts, and vitamins. This exclusive blend delivers energy and nutrients to the cells. Works in minutes and lasts for hours.
Only 30 calories per serving and Tastes great!
Promotes healthy cholesterol levels, Healthy blood sugar levels, Healthy cardiovascular system and a Healthy immune system.
Experience for yourself what consumers around the world are calling the “Feel Good" drink!

No longer do you need to experience the "crash" associated with energy drinks that have been spiked with sugar and caffeine.


VIBRANT works in minutes and lasts for hours. What's the secret?
VIBRANT is a culmination of many months of research and development in our laboratory. We went through 80 different production trials before finalizing the formula. The "secret" is the delicate balance of extraordinarily effective ingredients that work synergistically together on a cellular level, creating a mental and physical energizing effect.
What is the difference between VIBRANT and the other Energy Drinks on the market?
First of all, our philosophy is different. Most energy drinks on the market today create a response by mega-dosing the system with high levels of unhealthy ingredients such as sugar and caffeine anhydrous. By attacking the central nervous system in such a manner, you will get a superficial, temporary surge of energy. Problem is it only lasts for a little while with the unhealthy jolt-and-crash cycle being hard on the body.
VIBRANT works on a completely different level as it has been designed to target metabolic pathways to create optimal balance and performance at the cellular level. As a result, the effect of the product can be felt for hours at a time. The goal with VIBRANT was to create the "World's First Healthy Energy Drink" to work with the body and not "against" it to get a superior result. We have accomplished that.
Can diabetics take VIBRANT?
All diabetics should first consult their primary care physician before taking VIBRANT, or any dietary supplement. VIBRANT contains 30 calories and 5 grams of sugar. Even though VIBRANT is diabetic friendly, all diabetics should review the contents of VIBRANT just like they review other foods they eat or supplements they take.
Isn't Guarana a form of caffeine?
Guarana contains many healthful substances, including a natural stimulatory ingredient known as Guaranine. Guaranine is not caffeine anhydrous. In fact, it is molecularly similar to the Theobromine in chocolate. Chocolate is known as the 'feel good' candy and VIBRANT is known as the 'feel good' energy drink. We believe that Guaranine is a healthier alternative to caffeine anhydrous and is one of the many reasons why VIBRANT works.
Can my children take VIBRANT?
VIBRANT is designed as a natural energy drink. One serving (15 grams) is recommended for an average adult male. You may wish to reduce the amount consumed according to body weight and age. Youth 12 - 18 may take VIBRANT at a limited serving size based on age and weight.
Can I mix VIBRANT with other beverages besides water?
Absolutely! The flexibility of the product is one of the appealing aspects.
Just mix VIBRANT with water or fruit juice and enjoy! 
With VIBRANT, you won't have that jittery buzz!  You'll feel great and ready to take on the world.

VIBRANT targets metabolic pathways to create optimal balance and performance at the cellular level. Every cell in your body depends on energy to perform the function of that cell. Most people eat foods high in calories and low in nutrients, the very nutrients that your cells need to perform their functions.   VIBRANT is formulated to deliver those key nutrients that can help your cells perform.

Just add VIBRANT to a 16 - 20 oz bottle of water or your favorite beverage, shake well and you've got the world’s first "On The Go" healthy energy drink.
VIBRANT Healthy Energy Drink aids in rapid sports recovery, improves athletic performance and is the sports recovery drink choice of many athletes!
VIBRANT – the healthy sports recovery and energy drink for serious sports training and enhanced mental clarity.
VIBRANT is a break-through energy drink that generates a super-charged nutrient uptake into your body’s cells within 10-15 minutes! As a result, you will experience the healthy, full body revitalization that only VIBRANT can deliver… for hours at a time!
Whether its morning, afternoon, or night, VIBRANT will keep you on the go. Experience for yourself what consumers around the world are calling the” Feel Good” drink!Pro


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