How Various Protein Sources
Measure Up For Weight Control
Important New Research Focuses On Protein and Amino Acids For Weight Management
Scientific literature supports an important role for high protein dietary intake to boost a feeling of fullness and enhance weight loss. Interestingly, the source of protein, whether it be animal or plant, does not seem to affect the potential benefits, says a new study review.
A review of the literature confirms that, while there is evidence to support a role for high protein diets for enhancing satiety, energy burning, and fat loss, there is no clear evidence to indicate that there is a difference between plant and animal sources of protein.
Scientists from Laval University in Canada and the University of Copenhagen in Denmark present their findings in the journal "Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases"
Growing Market Responding To Growing Waistlines Throughout The World...
With the World Health Organization estimating that by 2015, there will be more than 1.5 billion overweight consumers, incurring health costs beyond $117 billion per year in the United States alone, "WOW" the opportunities for scientifically-substantiated weight management products are growing.
"Multiple dietary strategies aiming at reducing body weight and preventing weight gain have been proposed and, in recent years, high-protein diets have attracted considerable attention as possible weight management aids. Intake of protein has been shown to favorably influence satiety, thermogenesis, energy efficiency and body composition, particularly during weight- reducing programs," explained the scientists.
"Furthermore, a modest increase in dietary protein content has proven effective in preventing weight regain after a major weight loss in obese subjects, as demonstrated in the recent European multicenter trial known as "Diogenes."
"However, little is known about the effect of protein quality on the regulation of energy balance," they said.
In addressing this question, scientists from Copenhagen set out to test their hypothesis that plant and animal proteins provide similar effect on body weight regulation.
Reviewing the literature they found that animal proteins, and in particular dairy proteins, are superior to plant proteins for building muscle, but there was " no clear evidence to indicate whether there is a difference in the effect dependent on the source of the protein", they said.
The scientists do note, however, that the evidence to date from intervention studies is "inconclusive and the literature is still incomplete".
Daily Dietary Recommendations...
According to the American Food and Nutrition Board, the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for protein and AA for adults are 0.8 g of protein per kg (2.2 lbs) of body weight. This is equivalent to about 56 grams for a 70 kg (154 lb.) person.
There is no established upper limit.
Source: Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases
(Published online)
"Effect of proteins from different sources on body composition"
Very Good System to help with weight Control>>>>Click Here
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Herbal Remedies Strongly Considered By Healthcare Experts As the New Antibiotics
Herbal Remedies Strongly Considered By Healthcare Experts As the New Antibiotics
Cancer treatments often have the side effect of negatively impacting patients' immune system. This can result in life-threatening secondary infections from bacteria and fungi.
It is a major concern because certain bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, are becoming multi-drug resistant (MRSA). New research published by BioMed Central's open access journal Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials investigates the potency of Indian wild plants against bacterial and fungal infections in the mouths of oral
cancer patients.
Researchers from Rohtak, India, tested extracts from several plants used in traditional or folk medicine against microbials found in the mouths of oral cancer patients. Of the 40 patients involved in the study, 35 had compromised immune systems with severely reduced neutrophil counts. Several of the plants tested were able to significantly affect the growth of organisms collected by oral swab, and pure cultures of bacteria and fungi grown in the lab. This included Wild Asparagus, Desert Date, False Daisy, Curry Tree, Caster Oil Plant and Fenugreek.
Researchers reported, "Natural medicines are increasingly important in treating disease. Traditional knowledge provides a starting point in the search for plant-based medicines. We found that the extraction process had a huge effect on both the specificity and efficacy of the plant extracts against microbes.
Nevertheless several of the plants tested were broad spectrum antibiotics able to combat bacteria including E. coli, S. aureus and the fungi Candida and Aspergillus. Both Desert Date and Caster Oil Plant were especially able to target bacteria, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which are known to be difficult to treat with conventional antibiotics."
They explained, "Although the plants tested had a lower potency than conventional antibiotics they offer hope against resistant species. These results are a starting point for further testing in the lab and clinic."
Journal Reference:
Manju Panghal, Vivek Kaushal and Jaya Parkash Yadav. In vitro antimicrobial activity of ten medicinal plants against clinical isolates of oral cancer cases. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials, 2011
Editor's Note: This article is not intended to provide medical advice,
diagnosis or treatment.
Coffee with 14 Herbal Extracts: A delicious and healthy blend that enables the body to activate its natural healing ability, detoxifies, invigorates and energizes, while reducing fatigue. This product impacts your overall wellness and stimulates your body’s natural digestive system.
Cancer treatments often have the side effect of negatively impacting patients' immune system. This can result in life-threatening secondary infections from bacteria and fungi.
It is a major concern because certain bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, are becoming multi-drug resistant (MRSA). New research published by BioMed Central's open access journal Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials investigates the potency of Indian wild plants against bacterial and fungal infections in the mouths of oral
cancer patients.
Researchers from Rohtak, India, tested extracts from several plants used in traditional or folk medicine against microbials found in the mouths of oral cancer patients. Of the 40 patients involved in the study, 35 had compromised immune systems with severely reduced neutrophil counts. Several of the plants tested were able to significantly affect the growth of organisms collected by oral swab, and pure cultures of bacteria and fungi grown in the lab. This included Wild Asparagus, Desert Date, False Daisy, Curry Tree, Caster Oil Plant and Fenugreek.
Researchers reported, "Natural medicines are increasingly important in treating disease. Traditional knowledge provides a starting point in the search for plant-based medicines. We found that the extraction process had a huge effect on both the specificity and efficacy of the plant extracts against microbes.
Nevertheless several of the plants tested were broad spectrum antibiotics able to combat bacteria including E. coli, S. aureus and the fungi Candida and Aspergillus. Both Desert Date and Caster Oil Plant were especially able to target bacteria, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which are known to be difficult to treat with conventional antibiotics."
They explained, "Although the plants tested had a lower potency than conventional antibiotics they offer hope against resistant species. These results are a starting point for further testing in the lab and clinic."
Journal Reference:
Manju Panghal, Vivek Kaushal and Jaya Parkash Yadav. In vitro antimicrobial activity of ten medicinal plants against clinical isolates of oral cancer cases. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials, 2011
Editor's Note: This article is not intended to provide medical advice,
diagnosis or treatment.
Coffee with 14 Herbal Extracts: A delicious and healthy blend that enables the body to activate its natural healing ability, detoxifies, invigorates and energizes, while reducing fatigue. This product impacts your overall wellness and stimulates your body’s natural digestive system.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Anxiety and Depression.
Anxiety and Depression Linked
To Dangerous Risk-Taking In
Young Drivers...
Young drivers who experience anxiety and depression are more likely to take risks on the road, according to a new study by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Australia.
The results of the study from QUT's Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Queensland (CARRS-Q), have been published in the international journal "Injury Prevention."
The study of more than 760 young drivers determined anxiety and depression accounted for 8.5 per cent of the risky driving behavior reported by these young adults.
"The association was greater in women than in men, with 9.5 per cent being explained by psychological distress in women compared with 6.7 per cent in men," the researchers noted.
"We already know that psychological distress, such as
anxiety and depression, has been linked to risky behavior
in adolescents including unprotected sex, smoking and higher consumption of alcohol.
The objective of the study was look at whether or not psychological distress could also be linked to risky driving behaviors in young people, such as speeding, not wearing
a seat belt and using a mobile phone while at the wheel.The research could be used to identify young drivers most at risk
of psychological distress and therefore a greater crash risk
on the road through risky driving.
"Young people presenting to medical and mental health professionals could be screened for current psychological distress particularly if they have incurred injury through risky behavior," they said.
"These drivers could be targeted with specific road safety counter-measures and efforts made to improve their mental well-being by monitoring them for signs of depression and anxiety."
Previously, the relationship between novice risky driving behavior and psychological distress had not been clearly identified or quantified."Identifying at risk individuals is vital," they said."Once identified, interventions could be tailored to target particular groups of at-risk drivers and also from a mental health perspective this may result in improved well-being for the adolescent young driver."
Story Source:
Queensland University of Technology.
Journal Reference:
"The psychological distress of the young driver: a brief report" Injury Prevention
This Can Help With Depression & Anxiety
To Dangerous Risk-Taking In
Young Drivers...
Young drivers who experience anxiety and depression are more likely to take risks on the road, according to a new study by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Australia.
The results of the study from QUT's Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Queensland (CARRS-Q), have been published in the international journal "Injury Prevention."
The study of more than 760 young drivers determined anxiety and depression accounted for 8.5 per cent of the risky driving behavior reported by these young adults.
"The association was greater in women than in men, with 9.5 per cent being explained by psychological distress in women compared with 6.7 per cent in men," the researchers noted.
"We already know that psychological distress, such as
anxiety and depression, has been linked to risky behavior
in adolescents including unprotected sex, smoking and higher consumption of alcohol.
The objective of the study was look at whether or not psychological distress could also be linked to risky driving behaviors in young people, such as speeding, not wearing
a seat belt and using a mobile phone while at the wheel.The research could be used to identify young drivers most at risk
of psychological distress and therefore a greater crash risk
on the road through risky driving.
"Young people presenting to medical and mental health professionals could be screened for current psychological distress particularly if they have incurred injury through risky behavior," they said.
"These drivers could be targeted with specific road safety counter-measures and efforts made to improve their mental well-being by monitoring them for signs of depression and anxiety."
Previously, the relationship between novice risky driving behavior and psychological distress had not been clearly identified or quantified."Identifying at risk individuals is vital," they said."Once identified, interventions could be tailored to target particular groups of at-risk drivers and also from a mental health perspective this may result in improved well-being for the adolescent young driver."
Story Source:
Queensland University of Technology.
Journal Reference:
"The psychological distress of the young driver: a brief report" Injury Prevention
This Can Help With Depression & Anxiety
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Aspirin Reduces the Risk of Recurrence in Prostate Cancer Patients
Aspirin Reduces the Risk of Recurrence in Prostate Cancer Patients
Some studies have shown that blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, can reduce biochemical failure, cancer recurrence that is detected by a rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, the risk of metastasis and even death in localized prostate cancer. Researchers at Fox Chase Cancer Center have concluded the largest study, offering substantial data suggesting that aspirin improves outcomes in prostate cancer patients who have received radiotherapy.
A research team of radiation oncologists at Fox Chase, examined a database of over 2000 prostate cancer patients who underwent radiotherapy at Fox Chase between 1989 and 2006 and found that aspirin use lowers the risk of cancer recurrence. The scientists presented their findings on May 1 at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Radium Society.
The team found that the 761 men who took aspirin at or after the time of radiotherapy were less likely to experience biochemical failure (as indicated by the levels of PSA) than were the 1380 men who didn't take the drug.
After 10-years from completion of treatment, 31% of the men who took aspirin developed recurrence compared with 39% of non-aspirin users (p=0.0005). There was also a 2% improvement in 10-year prostate cancer related survival associated with aspirin use with a trend toward statistical significance (p=0.07). "We know that prostate cancer has a long natural history and 15 years or more may be necessary to detect significant difference in survival," the researchers explained. "Longer follow-up is needed, but these results
warrant further study."
Thus, aspirin could be a promising supplement to radiotherapy in prostate cancer patients, and its beneficial effects may generalize to other types of cancer. Still, they caution that "it's a little premature to say that men need to start taking aspirin if they have a history of prostate cancer."
The optimal dose, timing, and duration of aspirin therapy, as well as potential side effects are not well understood. It's not clear how exactly the aspirin is helping and more research is needed to investigate this.
"Its possible aspirin therapy is making the radiation more effective or preventing the cancer from spreading."
Story Source:
Fox Chase Cancer Center (2011, May 2). "Aspirin reduces the risk of cancer recurrence in prostate cancer patients, study suggests."
Editor's Note: This article is not intended to provide medical advice,
diagnosis or treatment.
With the hottest weight loss product in America: Click Here
Some studies have shown that blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, can reduce biochemical failure, cancer recurrence that is detected by a rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, the risk of metastasis and even death in localized prostate cancer. Researchers at Fox Chase Cancer Center have concluded the largest study, offering substantial data suggesting that aspirin improves outcomes in prostate cancer patients who have received radiotherapy.
A research team of radiation oncologists at Fox Chase, examined a database of over 2000 prostate cancer patients who underwent radiotherapy at Fox Chase between 1989 and 2006 and found that aspirin use lowers the risk of cancer recurrence. The scientists presented their findings on May 1 at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Radium Society.
The team found that the 761 men who took aspirin at or after the time of radiotherapy were less likely to experience biochemical failure (as indicated by the levels of PSA) than were the 1380 men who didn't take the drug.
After 10-years from completion of treatment, 31% of the men who took aspirin developed recurrence compared with 39% of non-aspirin users (p=0.0005). There was also a 2% improvement in 10-year prostate cancer related survival associated with aspirin use with a trend toward statistical significance (p=0.07). "We know that prostate cancer has a long natural history and 15 years or more may be necessary to detect significant difference in survival," the researchers explained. "Longer follow-up is needed, but these results
warrant further study."
Thus, aspirin could be a promising supplement to radiotherapy in prostate cancer patients, and its beneficial effects may generalize to other types of cancer. Still, they caution that "it's a little premature to say that men need to start taking aspirin if they have a history of prostate cancer."
The optimal dose, timing, and duration of aspirin therapy, as well as potential side effects are not well understood. It's not clear how exactly the aspirin is helping and more research is needed to investigate this.
"Its possible aspirin therapy is making the radiation more effective or preventing the cancer from spreading."
Story Source:
Fox Chase Cancer Center (2011, May 2). "Aspirin reduces the risk of cancer recurrence in prostate cancer patients, study suggests."
Editor's Note: This article is not intended to provide medical advice,
diagnosis or treatment.
With the hottest weight loss product in America: Click Here
Monday, June 13, 2011
Are grains really healthy?
Are grains really healthy?
Are you like me and have a hard time with eating
beans and grains, despite the fact they're supposed
to be 'healthy'?
Do you gain fat when you eat even "non-refined"
healthy carbs like brown rice?
I did -- until recently.
Here's your mid-week tip:
Soak all grains and legumes for 24 hours
prior to cooking them.
Don't worry -- they taste the same. They're even
more fluffy. But, more important than that --
they are now "lectin-free"...or 90% there.
What are lectins?
Lectins are protein and protein-family substances
that love to bind to stuff and mess with your body's
cellular structure.
The have a nasty habit of rendering even the most
healthy of foods (almost always plant-based) very
unhealthy for you to consume.
This does not have to be.
Simply soaking brown rice and legumes (beans)
in water for 24 hours, according to food allergy
researcher Dr. David Freed, causes the lectins in
both foods to be destroyed 10 minutes into cooking.
This will not happen if you cook grains normally.
This is why you may be sniffling or having a hard
time with "good carbs" in your diet. There are other
reasons, but I've found this to be the ace in the hole.
Try it and see if your grains don't go down better.
Want more tips like this, as well as the
5 Steps that are guaranteed to make any
foodplan (die-t...spelled that way because
look at the first three letters...this plan is not
a death sentence!) --
5 times easier
5 times faster (as fast as possible to shed fat
in a healthy way)
5 times more powerful (something you can
manage for life!)
Go get "Simply Eats!' today --
Click Here
Jeremy Hawkins
Are you like me and have a hard time with eating
beans and grains, despite the fact they're supposed
to be 'healthy'?
Do you gain fat when you eat even "non-refined"
healthy carbs like brown rice?
I did -- until recently.
Here's your mid-week tip:
Soak all grains and legumes for 24 hours
prior to cooking them.
Don't worry -- they taste the same. They're even
more fluffy. But, more important than that --
they are now "lectin-free"...or 90% there.
What are lectins?
Lectins are protein and protein-family substances
that love to bind to stuff and mess with your body's
cellular structure.
The have a nasty habit of rendering even the most
healthy of foods (almost always plant-based) very
unhealthy for you to consume.
This does not have to be.
Simply soaking brown rice and legumes (beans)
in water for 24 hours, according to food allergy
researcher Dr. David Freed, causes the lectins in
both foods to be destroyed 10 minutes into cooking.
This will not happen if you cook grains normally.
This is why you may be sniffling or having a hard
time with "good carbs" in your diet. There are other
reasons, but I've found this to be the ace in the hole.
Try it and see if your grains don't go down better.
Want more tips like this, as well as the
5 Steps that are guaranteed to make any
foodplan (die-t...spelled that way because
look at the first three letters...this plan is not
a death sentence!) --
5 times easier
5 times faster (as fast as possible to shed fat
in a healthy way)
5 times more powerful (something you can
manage for life!)
Go get "Simply Eats!' today --
Click Here
Jeremy Hawkins
Friday, June 10, 2011
Imagine yourself in this situation...
Imagine yourself in this situation...
You've got high cholesterol. You know it's bad and you know it's a leading factor for heart disease - the #1 killer in the world today.
You're scared and want a solution. Your doctor tells you that you need to be on a statin drug and prescribes one of the most popular choices - Zocor.
Then you read this article from the Los Angeles Times and suddenly realize you need a better solution...without potentially deadly side effects.
Click Here to read this alarming story from the Los Angeles Times
After reading this story you start to wonder, "Is there anything out there that can help normalize my cholesterol back to healthy levels without these harmful side effects?"
Then, you get a phone call from from a caring friend who says, "Our company just launched a brand new website for their all-natural cholesterol support product. I think this is something that could really help you. Let me give you the website address." Here it is Just Click Here.
You've got high cholesterol. You know it's bad and you know it's a leading factor for heart disease - the #1 killer in the world today.
You're scared and want a solution. Your doctor tells you that you need to be on a statin drug and prescribes one of the most popular choices - Zocor.
Then you read this article from the Los Angeles Times and suddenly realize you need a better solution...without potentially deadly side effects.
Click Here to read this alarming story from the Los Angeles Times
After reading this story you start to wonder, "Is there anything out there that can help normalize my cholesterol back to healthy levels without these harmful side effects?"
Then, you get a phone call from from a caring friend who says, "Our company just launched a brand new website for their all-natural cholesterol support product. I think this is something that could really help you. Let me give you the website address." Here it is Just Click Here.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Fewer Ingredients Means Less Bodyfat
Thursday 09th of June 2011
If you're looking for a way to jack your fat-
burning sky-high, here's a great tip for you:
focus on single ingredient meals, especially
after 6:00pm.
Note: this is not a long-term strategy,nor is it
something you should do every day. Aim for
consuming 3-4 meals per week at first that
contain only one ingredient.
Guess what ingredient that is?
Eating hard proteins foods as I describe in "Simply
Eat!" is a great way to get lean. You can do this
using animal or vegetarian based protein foods.
The key is one ingredient. Consume your normal
meal's calories all in protein. This will help
elevate your thermogenic rate and keep that fat
If you select a second ingredient, select celery --
and lots of it. Celery will fill you up and help
expend even more calories in the fat-burning
For more tips on why "ingredients", not calories,
are the key to long-term fat-burning and success,
Go here now --
This will tell you all you need to know.
Jeremy Hawkins
If you're looking for a way to jack your fat-
burning sky-high, here's a great tip for you:
focus on single ingredient meals, especially
after 6:00pm.
Note: this is not a long-term strategy,nor is it
something you should do every day. Aim for
consuming 3-4 meals per week at first that
contain only one ingredient.
Guess what ingredient that is?
Eating hard proteins foods as I describe in "Simply
Eat!" is a great way to get lean. You can do this
using animal or vegetarian based protein foods.
The key is one ingredient. Consume your normal
meal's calories all in protein. This will help
elevate your thermogenic rate and keep that fat
If you select a second ingredient, select celery --
and lots of it. Celery will fill you up and help
expend even more calories in the fat-burning
For more tips on why "ingredients", not calories,
are the key to long-term fat-burning and success,
Go here now --
This will tell you all you need to know.
Jeremy Hawkins
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body
Today You can get This Complete Book For FREE that tells you
Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body
(a $17.99 value).
This ebook, created by Certified Nutrition Specialist & Certified Personal Trainer, Mike Geary, details over 27 specific metabolism-boosting secrets that you can use to strip off your stubborn body fat faster and easier. Contains unique workout methods and nutritional strategies to slash body fat and take your body to a whole new level of leanness.
Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body
(a $17.99 value).
This ebook, created by Certified Nutrition Specialist & Certified Personal Trainer, Mike Geary, details over 27 specific metabolism-boosting secrets that you can use to strip off your stubborn body fat faster and easier. Contains unique workout methods and nutritional strategies to slash body fat and take your body to a whole new level of leanness.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Why It's More Difficult To Remember New Information, Especially As We Get Older...
Information Overload...
The older we get, the more difficulty we seem to have remembering things. We can leave our cars in the same parking lot each morning, but unless we park in the same space each and every day, it's a challenge eight hours later to recall where we left the vehicle.
Another common example... We can be introduced to new people at a meeting and will have forgotten their names before the initial handshake. Typically, we reassure ourselves that our brains are just too full to handle the overload of new information that comes in daily.
According to a team of Johns Hopkins neuro-scientists, the real difficulty is that our aging brains are unable to process this information as "new" because the brain pathways leading to the specific area of the brain that stores memories called the hippocampus become degraded over time. As a result of hippocampus degradation, our brains cannot accurately "file" new information (like the names of new people we meet and where we left the car in the parking garage), and we experience confusion.
"Our research uses brain imaging techniques that investigate both the brain's functional and structural integrity to demonstrate that age is associated with a reduction in the hippocampus's ability to do its job, and this is related to the reduced input it is getting from the rest of the brain," said researchers of psychological and brain sciences in Johns Hopkins' Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. "As we get older, we are much more susceptible to "interference" from older memories than we are when we are younger."
When faced with an experience similar to what it has encountered before, such as parking the car, our brain tends to recall old information it already has stored instead of filing new information and being able to retrieve that. Thus, you can't find your car immediately and find yourself wandering the parking lot."Maybe this is also why we tend to reminisce so much more as we get older: because it is easier to recall old memories than make new ones," the researchers explained.
The study appears in the May 9 online edition of the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences"
The Johns Hopkins team used MRI scans to observe the brains of 40 healthy young college students and older adults, ages 60 to 80, while these participants viewed pictures of common, everyday objects and classified each (by pressing a button) as either "indoor" or "outdoor." (The team used three kinds of MRI scans in the study: structural MRI scans, which detect structural abnormalities; functional MRI scans, which
document how hard various regions of the brain work during tasks; and diffusion MRIs, which monitor how well different regions of the brain communicate by tracking the movement of water molecules along pathways.)
Some of the pictures were similar but not identical, and others were markedly different. The team used functional MRI to watch the hippocampus when participants saw items that were exactly the same or slightly different to ascertain how this region of the brain classified that item: as familiar or not.
"Pictures had to be very distinct from each other for an older person's hippocampus to correctly classify them as new. The more similar the pictures were, the more the older person's hippocampus struggled to do this. A young person's hippocampus, on the other hand, treated all of these similar pictures as new," they explained.
Later, the participants viewed a series of completely new pictures and again were asked to classify them as
either "indoor" or "outdoor." A few minutes later, the researchers presented the participants with the new set
of pictures and asked whether each item was "old," "new" or "similar.""The 'similar' response was the critical response for us, because it let us know that participants could distinguish between similar items and knew that they're not identical to the ones they had seen before," they said. "We found that older adults tended to have fewer 'similar' responses and more 'old' responses instead, indicating that they could not distinguish between similar items."
The inability among older adults to recognize information as "similar" to something they had seen recently is linked to what is known as the "perforant pathway," which directs input from the rest of the brain into the hippocampus. The more degraded the pathway, the less likely the hippocampus is to store similar memories as distinct from old memories.
"We are now closer to understanding some of the mechanisms that underlie memory loss with increasing age," according to the researchers. "These results have possible practical ramifications in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, because the hippocampus is one of the places that deteriorate very early in the course of that disease."
The team's next step would be to conduct clinical trials in early Alzheimer's disease patients using the mechanisms that they have isolated as a way to measure the efficacy of therapeutic medications.
"Basically, we will now be able to investigate the effect of a drug on hippocampal function and pathway integrity," they noted. "If the drug slows down pathway degradation and hippocampal dysfunction, it's possible that it could delay the onset of Alzheimer's by five to 10 years, which may be enough for a large proportion of older adults to not get the disease at all. This would be a huge breakthrough in the field."
The study was funded by the National Institute on Aging.
Story Source: Johns Hopkins University (2011, May 13).
Journal Reference:
Age-related memory deficits linked to circuit-specific disruptions in the hippocampus. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, 2011;
For All your Memory Needs Try:

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The older we get, the more difficulty we seem to have remembering things. We can leave our cars in the same parking lot each morning, but unless we park in the same space each and every day, it's a challenge eight hours later to recall where we left the vehicle.
Another common example... We can be introduced to new people at a meeting and will have forgotten their names before the initial handshake. Typically, we reassure ourselves that our brains are just too full to handle the overload of new information that comes in daily.
According to a team of Johns Hopkins neuro-scientists, the real difficulty is that our aging brains are unable to process this information as "new" because the brain pathways leading to the specific area of the brain that stores memories called the hippocampus become degraded over time. As a result of hippocampus degradation, our brains cannot accurately "file" new information (like the names of new people we meet and where we left the car in the parking garage), and we experience confusion.
"Our research uses brain imaging techniques that investigate both the brain's functional and structural integrity to demonstrate that age is associated with a reduction in the hippocampus's ability to do its job, and this is related to the reduced input it is getting from the rest of the brain," said researchers of psychological and brain sciences in Johns Hopkins' Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. "As we get older, we are much more susceptible to "interference" from older memories than we are when we are younger."
When faced with an experience similar to what it has encountered before, such as parking the car, our brain tends to recall old information it already has stored instead of filing new information and being able to retrieve that. Thus, you can't find your car immediately and find yourself wandering the parking lot."Maybe this is also why we tend to reminisce so much more as we get older: because it is easier to recall old memories than make new ones," the researchers explained.
The study appears in the May 9 online edition of the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences"
The Johns Hopkins team used MRI scans to observe the brains of 40 healthy young college students and older adults, ages 60 to 80, while these participants viewed pictures of common, everyday objects and classified each (by pressing a button) as either "indoor" or "outdoor." (The team used three kinds of MRI scans in the study: structural MRI scans, which detect structural abnormalities; functional MRI scans, which
document how hard various regions of the brain work during tasks; and diffusion MRIs, which monitor how well different regions of the brain communicate by tracking the movement of water molecules along pathways.)
Some of the pictures were similar but not identical, and others were markedly different. The team used functional MRI to watch the hippocampus when participants saw items that were exactly the same or slightly different to ascertain how this region of the brain classified that item: as familiar or not.
"Pictures had to be very distinct from each other for an older person's hippocampus to correctly classify them as new. The more similar the pictures were, the more the older person's hippocampus struggled to do this. A young person's hippocampus, on the other hand, treated all of these similar pictures as new," they explained.
Later, the participants viewed a series of completely new pictures and again were asked to classify them as
either "indoor" or "outdoor." A few minutes later, the researchers presented the participants with the new set
of pictures and asked whether each item was "old," "new" or "similar.""The 'similar' response was the critical response for us, because it let us know that participants could distinguish between similar items and knew that they're not identical to the ones they had seen before," they said. "We found that older adults tended to have fewer 'similar' responses and more 'old' responses instead, indicating that they could not distinguish between similar items."
The inability among older adults to recognize information as "similar" to something they had seen recently is linked to what is known as the "perforant pathway," which directs input from the rest of the brain into the hippocampus. The more degraded the pathway, the less likely the hippocampus is to store similar memories as distinct from old memories.
"We are now closer to understanding some of the mechanisms that underlie memory loss with increasing age," according to the researchers. "These results have possible practical ramifications in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, because the hippocampus is one of the places that deteriorate very early in the course of that disease."
The team's next step would be to conduct clinical trials in early Alzheimer's disease patients using the mechanisms that they have isolated as a way to measure the efficacy of therapeutic medications.
"Basically, we will now be able to investigate the effect of a drug on hippocampal function and pathway integrity," they noted. "If the drug slows down pathway degradation and hippocampal dysfunction, it's possible that it could delay the onset of Alzheimer's by five to 10 years, which may be enough for a large proportion of older adults to not get the disease at all. This would be a huge breakthrough in the field."
The study was funded by the National Institute on Aging.
Story Source: Johns Hopkins University (2011, May 13).
Journal Reference:
Age-related memory deficits linked to circuit-specific disruptions in the hippocampus. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, 2011;
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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