Monday, June 13, 2011

Are grains really healthy?

Are grains really healthy?

Are you like me and have a hard time with eating
beans and grains, despite the fact they're supposed
to be 'healthy'?

Do you gain fat when you eat even "non-refined"
healthy carbs like brown rice?

I did -- until recently.

Here's your mid-week tip:

Soak all grains and legumes for 24 hours
prior to cooking them.

Don't worry -- they taste the same. They're even
more fluffy. But, more important than that --

they are now "lectin-free"...or 90% there.

What are lectins?

Lectins are protein and protein-family substances
that love to bind to stuff and mess with your body's
cellular structure.

The have a nasty habit of rendering even the most
healthy of foods (almost always plant-based) very
unhealthy for you to consume.

This does not have to be.

Simply soaking brown rice and legumes (beans)
in water for 24 hours, according to food allergy
researcher Dr. David Freed, causes the lectins in
both foods to be destroyed 10 minutes into cooking.

This will not happen if you cook grains normally.

This is why you may be sniffling or having a hard
time with "good carbs" in your diet. There are other
reasons, but I've found this to be the ace in the hole.

Try it and see if your grains don't go down better.

Want more tips like this, as well as the
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Jeremy Hawkins

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