We both know that water is essential for life. Although you can live for as long as two months without food, you’ll die after only a few days without water.
Especially since water makes up about 2/3 of your body weight.
You need water:
* To breathe
* To keep your brain working
* To regulate your body temperature
* To lubricate your joints and spinal discs
* To digest your food
* Plus dozens of other important body functions
Pure clean water is life-sustaining . . .
so think before you drink!
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Still . . .
Until I learned some of the same information you’ll read here in the next few minutes, I just hoped I was getting most of my water in other ways — soft drinks, coffee, iced tea . . .
But these drinks aren’t so healthy . . . In fact, many of them even lead to dehydration. And they certainly aren’t an adequate replacement for fresh, pure water.
I know, I know . . . That’s just good common sense . . .
Still . . . I just didn’t particularly like the taste of water, especially from the tap. Probably from the chemicals, like fluoride or chlorine or something . . .
So I tried bottled water — I probably tried a dozen different kinds. They did taste a bit better than tap water, although some had a plastic or chemical taste that sure didn’t seem healthy.
And then I read some of the research about bottled water (you’ll see for yourself in a minute), and suddenly that didn’t seem like such a good solution at all.
But I had a problem . . . I knew I wasn’t getting enough water. You see, in my research I found that . . .
If You Wait Until You’re Thirsty,
Odds Are You’re Already Dehydrated
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How much water should you be drinking?
Well, most doctors say you need at least 8-10 glasses per day. Whatever the amount, it’s probably more than you are likely to be drinking right now — even if you don’t mind the taste of water.
In fact, experts say 3 out of every 4 Americans suffer from chronic dehydration . . . and the odds are that you’re one of them.
And you can’t depend on thirst as a signal to drink. Actually, having a dry mouth is often a later sign of dehydration.
Only as dehydration progresses do you notice that you’re thirsty. In addition, the thirst sensation also diminishes with age.
So how do you know if you’re chronically dehydrated?
Well, in many cases you can’t tell . . . You need to drink water whether you feel thirsty or not.
If you don’t, the effects of chronic dehydration may spread throughout your entire body, and even be misinterpreted as symptoms of illness or stress.
Like fatigue and headaches . . .
The late Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, author of “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water,” researched dehydration for 20 years. He believed that in many cases “you are not sick, you are thirsty!”
His research indicated that many symptoms (and diseases) are the result of longstanding dehydration, including chronic pain, degenerative conditions and many serious illnesses.
His solution was simple . . . drink more water more often.
Newsmax medical expert Dr. Russell Blaylock agrees. He says that allowing yourself to become dehydrated can be serious — perhaps even serious enough to cause a stroke!
As he notes in his book Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life: “Most of us do not drink enough water, and as a result, our blood becomes more viscous, increasing the likelihood that a clot will suddenly form at the site of a plaque formation.”
On the positive side, drinking enough pure uncontaminated water:
* Gives you more energy
* Sharpens your mental and physical performance
* Fosters weight loss
* Reduces stress, anxiety and headaches
* Bolsters heart health
* Gradually improves your skin’s appearance and reduces wrinkles
* Prevents constipation and kidney stones
* And much, much more
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After doing my homework, I knew I had to drink more water to stay healthy. Not just for myself, but also for the sake of my family. Given the statistics, you probably need more water too.
But drinking the junk that’s probably coming out of your tap water right now could do you more harm than good.
The Quality of Your Water is Just as
Important as the Quantity You Drink
You’d think you could depend on your government to provide you with pure tap water. Sadly, that’s not the case. And really, it’s not the government’s fault . . .
Despite their efforts, today’s aging municipal water systems are just plain overwhelmed by the sheer volume of contaminants.
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According to some studies, an astounding 75,000 chemical compounds have been discovered in our water... yet the EPA has established safety standards for only 87 of them.
Pollutants and contaminants like pesticides, herbicides, toxic wastes from landfills, fertilizers, chemical and oil spills, acid rain and many others find their way into our water supply.
Compounding the problem, our water treatment includes chlorine or chloramines to control the growth of bacteria, despite the fact that these chemicals have themselves been linked to illness.
Even if the water leaving the treatment plants meets the minimal EPA safety standards, the threat to your health doesn’t end.
Water lines (including your own pipes) frequently build up a revolting assortment of mineral, biological and chemical deposits. The pipes themselves may even leach hazardous substances like lead and copper.
As water pipes age, they also begin to grow caked-on layers of bio-film, a sludgy layer that can harbor pathogens such as E. coli, which causes diarrhea and other intestinal problems.
Cryptosporidium and Giardia are two other common water-borne pathogens that cause similar intestinal problems or worse, especially in vulnerable individuals.
Besides all these microscopic bugs, it’s just downright scary knowing that . . .
Your Tap Water is Chock-Full of Chemicals
The government began adding fluoride to drinking water years ago in a well-meaning but misguided attempt to reduce cavities.
Sadly, more and more research now supports links between drinking fluoridated water and degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Other medical problems associated with fluoride include cancer, behavioral problems, thyroid suppression, male infertility, and impotence, just to name a few.
Surprisingly, the fluoride added to our water supplies comes from the smokestack scrubbers of fertilizer and metal factories. This nasty “goo” contains more than just fluoride . . . You’ll also find toxins like arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, and polonium-210, a radioactive element that decays into lead.
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Your Body . . . a Chemical Cesspool?
Aluminum sulfate is yet another toxic additive used to treat public water supplies. In fact, mounting evidence supports a link between aluminum exposure and diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS.
And then there’s cadmium, also found in drinking water. Plumbing can increase cadmium water levels, since both plastic (PVC) and metal pipes contain the metal.
Dr. Blaylock tells us: “While it is the neonate [newborn] that is most susceptible, even adults will show toxic damage to their brain following chronic exposure to cadmium in drinking water.” Plus, research demonstrates that cadmium increases the risk of prostate cancer, decreases testosterone production, causes high blood pressure, causes loss of calcium from the bones, and increases free radical production.
And what about lead? While most houses today have PVC pipes, even modern faucets have lead-containing joints that can significantly contribute to lead in drinking water.
Even worse, fluoridated water leaches additional lead from pipes and faucets, escalating your risk of toxic lead accumulation. In fact, evidence indicates that water in fluoridated cities may have double the level of lead compared to the water in unfluoridated communities.
You’re probably aware of the dangers of lead toxicity in children: learning disabilities . . . hyper-irritability . . . violent outbursts . . .
However, the dangers from lead don’t stop as you grow older. In fact, your risk actually rises again after middle age, when you become more prone to osteoporosis, limited mobility, or other age-related factors that cause bone to break down.
The reason is that 80% of ingested lead ends up stored permanently in your bones. As bone breaks down with age, it releases the lead — and other stored metals — into your system.
And don’t think you’re safe if you have a well . . .
Well Water Doesn’t Keep You Well
Well water is really no safer than tap water. Ground water pollutants also seep into this water source. And because private wells are often more shallow than water receptacles used for public water supplies, there is even greater potential for contamination.
Fecal coliform bacteria like E. coli are the most common contaminants of well water. Septic fields are typical sources for such contamination by way of animal or human wastes. Nitrates from animal or human wastes or fertilizers are also commonly found, along with lead, radon and other chemical and biological toxins.
So, if tap water and well water aren’t so good, what about that bottled water we’ve been drinking . . .
Make Your Own Perfect Water and Help Save The Environment.
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The Bottled Water Myth —
Don’t Believe What They Tell You
The ads want you to imagine crystal-clear springs, alpine glaciers and pristine natural sources. The reality, however, is something far different than the marketing hype . . .
A four-year study was conducted by the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), who notes that sales of bottled water have tripled in the past 10 years to about $4 billion per year, at least partly because people are learning the truth about the hazards of tap water.
Unfortunately, independent laboratory testing of more than 1,000 bottles of 103 types of bottled water from many parts of the U.S. led to some surprising and even frightening findings:
* One brand of purported “spring water” — with a label picturing a lake and mountains — actually came from a well in the parking lot of an industrial facility, located near a hazardous waste dump.
* According to government and industry estimates, approximately 1/4 of bottled water is actually just bottled tap water.
* About 1/3 of the bottled water tested contained significant chemical or bacterial contamination, exceeding levels allowed under state or industry standards.
* About 1/5 of the water tested contained industrial or manufacturing chemicals such as toluene, xylene, phthalate, adipate or styrene.
* In eight cases, the tested water contained arsenic at “a level of potential health concern”.
Unfortunately, as the NRDC notes, the FDA’s rules exempt 60-70% of bottled water sold in the U.S. from federal bottled water standards. With these huge regulatory gaps, the NRDC’s report concluded that:
“No one should assume that just because he or she purchases water in a bottle that it is necessarily any better regulated, purer, or safer than most tap water.”
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I try my best to be an environmentally friendly person. So it kind of threw me when another study commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) pointed out the negative environmental impact of the bottled water phenomenon — every year, 1.5 million tons of plastic are used in bottled water manufacturing.
Millions of these bottles end up in our already-crowded landfills . . . and toxic chemicals spew into the environment during the bottle manufacturing and disposal processes.
In addition to the safety issues, the NRDC study also noted that you can spend from 240 to over 10,000 times more per gallon for bottled water than you typically do for tap water.
And it’s not only you and your family that will appreciate the healthy water. Your pets also deserve drinking water that’s not contaminated with toxic substances!
And you can use this purified water in many ways besides drinking water:
* cooking
* ice cubes
* salt-restricted diets . . .
* baby formulas
* cleaning contact lenses
* steam irons
* aquarium water
* complexion care
* houseplants
* humidifiers
As a smart consumer, you should be aware of your various options for water purification:
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* Method 1 — Simple Filtration: With this relatively inexpensive method, tap water passes through a fine strainer and/or activated carbon. While unpleasant odors and tastes diminish, simple filtration doesn’t remove many common contaminants effectively, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, lead, arsenic, copper, nitrates and sodium.
* Method 2 — Reverse Osmosis: With reverse osmosis, high pressure forces water through a synthetic semi-permeable membrane to reduce inorganic minerals. Unfortunately, these systems vary greatly in their ability to rid water of chlorides, nitrates, viruses, bacteria, arsenic and other contaminants. Their performance level depends on numerous factors, including pH, water temperature and pressure, dissolved solids, and the initial water contaminant level.
* Method 3 — Steam Distilled: Based on Mother Nature’s primary method of purification, distillation uses evaporation and condensation to separate pure and fresh water from its contaminants. Distillation, especially when combined with carbon filtration Turning on the tap is not the healthiest investment . . .
So now you know the truth about water — the “elixir of life”. What you probably already knew, that it took me far too long to find out, is that . . .
The Better it Tastes, the More You’ll Drink
You see, I enjoy the taste of water now. Good pure water just tastes better, doesn’t it? The way nature intended it to taste . . .
And because it tastes good, I’m drinking more of it effortlessly . . . and I feel better too.
I used to think that water was water . . .
The truth was — I was literally a toxic human “water filter”. Instead of filtering and distilling out the crud from the water I drank before I drank it . . . I WAS the filter.
So if you think, as I once did, that the water you’ve been drinking up until now is just plain water, it’s time for you to think again . . .
Over the course of your lifetime, you’ll drink an estimated 13,000 gallons of water.
What you can’t even see in each glass of water has a cumulative effect on your health . . . and the health of your family, even your pets.
That’s why it’s so crucial that you make sure the water you drink is pure.
Healthy Water Pays Big Dividends
Of course, tap water is free for the taking . . . But you’ve already seen how incredibly UNHEALTHY it is . . .
Join me in staying healthy and preserving the environment!
Don't forget our small friends; they deserve great water just like you and me!
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