When I was asked to write this introduction to children’s fitness, it was suggested I keep it short and to the point or I would lose everyone’s attention. Say it isn’t so. Please tell me we are interested in our children’s health and well being. What could be more important than the health of future generations?
Anyway, I will make some points in a couple pages and I hope I spark your interest to look further on your own. Part of the problem is, in order to do this subject justice, first we need to face our own mistakes over the last few decades and begin to correct them. You may not agree with some of the points, but if you have children or grand children I hope you will want to check the veracity of what I am about to convey before tuning out.
Children’s health is my passion, and I hope as you read, it will become at least partly your passion, because we need each other to change a system that is designed wrong. Children weren’t designed to be left to their own devices. They don’t pop into the world with a tag reading:
“Pat on behind, make cry, feed when you can, hold if you feel like it, ignore often, then send on way, and hope for the best.” That said, the tag also shouldn’t recommend raising them until they are forty seven years old, by giving them everything and anything they want. There is a balance here somewhere. I think we’ve misplaced it in our hurry-up world.
We need everyone who cares about children, young people and their own health to get on board. Mostly we need you to believe in your heart that there is a problem and we can do better for future generations. If I don’t convey the importance of this issue, then someone else will be re-writing this, because our health and that of our young people is getting worse with each passing year. This message is so much more important than most people realize. Your input and participation are invited and encouraged. I meant it when I said we are in this together and the children of the world are counting on us.
It is outright dangerous to think that politicians, psychologists, and social workers along with drug manufacturers know what is best, or even care what is best for our children. Doctors and nurses are in the business of caring for, enhancing and saving lives. The before mentioned group plus the pharmaceutical companies and their lobbyists are in business, period. Three thousand kids a day start smoking in the U.S. and alcoholism in pre-teens is becoming epidemic. As a society, we consume hundreds of pounds of refined sugar a year. When I was five years old it was only one pound a year. The business world is not designed to fix these problems. Profits often come first no matter how many children become sick or even die in the process.
Our children’s health has suffered long enough. “Health” in our society has become distorted by grants, fund raising, and special interest groups. The focus is on the funding itself - not the solutions to problems these funds are supposed to be used to solve. Fund raisers focus on fund raising. It really is this simple.
Children and young adults worldwide in westernized societies are getting fatter and sicker all the time. Our kids are the target of a media blitz advocating sugar, cake and pizza stuffed with more pizza. Energy drinks, soda and sugar laden teas weren’t developed by God to hydrate the body. Our children should pop out of the womb with a tag stating:
“This child runs best on fresh air, pure water, live fruits, vegetables and grain. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stimulation is required. Options include free range meats, poultry and fish. Exercise is not optional nor is play. Both should be included until the child reaches the age of ninety, then work, not play becomes optional. Drug intervention should be used sparingly and only as a last resort. Tylenol, Ibprophen, steroid inhalers, and antibiotics are not ideal for long term use.”
God made water nearly seventy percent of our body’s mass. That wasn’t a mistake to be replaced by soft drinks and coffee. So, pull the soda out of your hand, take it away from your child and start drinking water with X2O. It is the beginning of health. Perhaps the mistake God actually made was He didn’t make ice cream, candy, and cake take the place of vegetables.
Imagine if junk food could replace vegetables. We’d all be the picture of health.
Ease up now, I know God made no mistakes. If you are agreeing here then ask yourself, why are we interfering with His most elaborate and wonderful design? Why are we allowing our children to be over fed and over medicated without questioning the rationale?
We are still smart enough to realize that breathing air in a forest is more beneficial than standing behind a smoking bus, or sucking on a cigarette. Junk food is no different, it just tastes better. Medication is not food. It can be poison. Each and every synthetic medication has a toxicology report attached. The difference between toxic and lethal is based on the amount ingested. The body is designed to be seventy percent water and people, especially children, have been taught to hate it. Maybe God didn’t put enough sugar in it.
Does your car care that the gas you put in it doesn’t taste good? Would adding sugar, dye and chemicals make it run better? We have been brainwashed into believing that all the garbage beverages we consume are as good as or better than pure water. And we feed them to our children, often because it is more effort to explain that water is better for them. The ads for drinks and junk food become more pervasive and invasive everyday.
In my opinion, things don’t go better with Coca Cola, and you cannot address your child’s weight problems by drinking a diet soda with your fast food hamburger and extra large side of fries.
It’s all a lie. Water is the best body fuel for our children’s fitness and longevity. The very quality of their lives depends on getting back to pure air, Pure water, natural food and exercise. We are running out of the one thing we can’t replace in our lives. It is the most expensive item we have. Time. Time is so precious, and is truly of the essence here. The old age diseases in our children didn’t show up by accident or over night. This has taken decades of mis-information and outright fraud. All of these problems are preventable.
Extensive medical research and pharmaceutical data shows that water by itself will help prevent depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, cancer, diabetes and a whole host of other designer maladies. Add ionic minerals and our ability to ward off any malady increases exponentially. How is soda better than that? Ask yourself this question: Why are Coke and Pepsi stampeding into the bottled water business? Could it have something to do with the obesity epidemic in the world which soft drink companies have helped create? The average can of soda has over ten tea spoons of sugar in it, and most children get sixty percent of their calories today from liquids. Have we lost our self-reliance, our ability to think and care for ourselves and our loved ones without outside intervention? More importantly, do we want the government, psychiatrists, social workers and pharmaceutical companies deciding what is right for us? That doesn’t sound like the way I want to live.
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