Some Basic Members have recently contacted us with inquiries about water treatment machines and how they compare to AquaLyte.
Here’s some great information you can use when you meet someone who might be involved in a company that sells water alkalizing machines or perhaps they are a consumer considering buying one of those machines.
Here are some advantages I believe Basic ; AquaLyte offer over the water alkalizing machines in the market today…
• 100% natural, God made product. For those who tend to be more “natural health” orientated, I believe they would prefer to get their alkaline water from a God created source rather than a man-made machine. We know that the AquaLyte delivers organic trace minerals into the water from a natural renewable source. I don’t believe those machines add minerals to the water. As I understand it, most of them try to retain the minerals that were present in the tap water (assuming the tap water had quality minerals in it) as they process the water.
• Affordable for almost anyone. Rather than spend thousands of dollars up front to purchase a machine, people can purchase AquaLyte on a monthly basis for the affordable price of just $25 (U.S.). I recently saw a water alkalizing machine from a network marketing company that costs approximately $4,000 and I compared that to the cost forAquaLyte . When I did the math I discovered that someone could use one sachet of AquaLyte per day for 13.1 years for the same price of the machine. They could use 2 sachets per day for 6.5 years before it would equal the cost of the machine. I know that most of those machines need some kind of routine maintenance during their first 6.5 years and they may need to be replaced once they get to be 13 years old.
• Convenient to use and carry. AquaLyte goes with you wherever you go since it fits in your pocket, purse, or brief case. Add it to any source of water you choose whenever you choose. NO need to “make” your water at home and take it with you in bottles wherever you go. Also, no need to transport a machine with you on business trips or vacations.
• Easy to sample and sell. Giving or selling someone a sample pack of AquaLyte is easy and affordable. Most people can easily afford the product and most Members feel very confident and comfortable “selling” something this affordable. But the average distributor in our industry is probably very fearful or lacks the skills required to sell a machine that costs thousands of dollars. Our product affordability for the masses leads to more duplication and more success for everyone.
• Repeat monthly sales. Machines are a one-time purchase but AquaLyte is a monthly purchase. We have a much better chance of establishing a long-term residual income with a product that people need and use every month.
Bottom line: AquaLyte offers BIG benefits in a small and very affordable package. And don't forget...
Personally refer just 3 people and yours is FREE!!
More “Food for Thought”…
Just to add a thought (or two) to Ken's comparison to water treatment machines keep this in mind…
“pH” is monitored and achieved in the body in a natural way. It uses buffering minerals. The body doesn't reach homeostasis by ingesting high Ph fluids. It uses nutrients to search for balance. This balance is found at a pH of approximately 7.35.
No one knows exactly how the body creates different combinations of building blocks out of nano-nutrients simply because the human body is still smarter than all of us and we don't have the technology to measure its trans-mutating ability. The body has some distinct “super powers” we don't understand.
For me, “balance” is what we are trying to achieve with AquaLyte. Balance is what the entire Universe runs on and to borrow from Ken's thought, God created the machine we walk around in, and God created the universe. We own our vehicle - or lease it as I see it, but we are also an infinitely small part of the universal body. Hence the hypothesis - "We are all connected."
We stumble and bumble around putting together pieces of wisdom and call them “breakthroughs” when it was more of a Creator induced hide and seek game to begin with.
Balancing the pH of the body takes pure water, and an entire spectrum of minerals which the body then directs to targeted areas of need based on autonomic response. An onslaught of high pH fluids with no intelligent direction may have some limited affect, but it is not the long term solution.
Think of it like synthetic insulin used in diabetics. We throw enough in to lower the blood sugar and if it drops too low we add orange juice or a piece of candy to artificially bring it back up. Again, an interim tool - not a permanent solution. Our internal environment at peace and rest in balance leads to an external environment in balance and a peace with everything in it.
Suffice it to say the AquaLyte does everything a water ionizing machine does with some added super powers the body needs to defend itself. The body is its own best pharmacy and fixes 99% of everything that goes wrong with it on a daily basis. I can't state often enough or loud enough:
"The human body is still smarter than we are."
Balance, as Ken so eloquently suggested is better done in harmony with nature than in trying to control, corral or improve nature - which in most cases is a mistake.
As a very wise friend and mentor taught me years ago:
"Nature has its own laws and will not allow violation without a negative response."
This is true because just like nature, our body is in constant search for balance. It is in constant motion and experiences constant change. It cannot be qualified or quantified. It is here for us to enjoy, explore and try to unravel its mysteries.
Searching for balance is a way of life and AquaLyte is a very important part of the puzzle.
Get you Some AquaLyte Water!
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