CB2 receptors are mainly found on cells in the immune system and its associated structures, but also present in the peripheral nervous system, and digestive system. They help fight inflammation, which reduces pain, and minimizes tissue damage.
In simple to understand terms, the communications of the ECS are composed of messengers and receptors. The ECS has cannabinoid receptors located on cells throughout the body, and cannabinoids, like those found in hemp, are the messengers looking to connect with the receptors.
The best way to understand cannabinoids and their receptors is to visualize a lock and key. When CBD oil is consumed, the cannabinoids (keys) move through your body looking for receptors (locks). When they find a lock that fits, the effects of the cannabinoid and the function and location of the receptor “click” together and messages needed are sent through the rest of your body. Cannabinoids do not enter into the receptors, but are the keys that unlock or activate the receptors. The cannabinoids in CBD help block harmful compounds from entering into the receptors, and also help guide helpful compounds to enter the receptors.
Cannabinoids help coordinate and regulate everything we think, feel, and do by interacting with the endocannabinoid system’s receptors, which triggers a set of responses needed for the body to maintain healthy balance. When activated through the receptors, the ECS impacts ONLY what it needs to with great precision. It works continuously through those receptors to achieve homeostasis by monitoring and balancing the various functions within the body. The ECS is a vital system of the body, and the hemp flower has been shown to be the best plant source for cannabinoids, which activate the ECS.
When the ECS is not properly regulated, your body has difficulty communicating with your brain and vice versa. The ECS controls the balance of all other bodily systems by being a great communicator. CBD oil helps with this vital communication allowing the ECS to regulate the body more effectively and efficiently.
Our source has been developing the seed for decades to render the highest levels of all the healthy components in the CBD extraction, and low levels of THC. The history of our seed dates back over 200 years as a certified hemp seed, and is exclusive to our manufacturer.
The seed also plays a major role in the entourage effect. The development of our seed has produced the PERFECT RATIO of all the components that make up the entourage effect. This makes a HUGE difference in the final product. No other company has our seed and therefore no other company can produce CBD with the same entourage effect.
Interested in the best CBD Oil? Comment or Email Us Direct liquidisbetter@gmail.com
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