Fruit Sugar vs Refined Sugar
fructose vs sucrose 150x150 Fruit Sugar vs Refined SugarWhat’s the difference between fruit sugar (or fructose) and refined sugars (or sucrose)?
Is there even a difference at all? After all they are both sugar, doesn’t that mean your body doesn’t care or notice the difference? Well there are some differences you should know about it. All sugars (and sugar substitutes) are not the same.
There are a bunch of scientific terms and explanations, but it basically comes down to glycemic index and nutrients. Plain refined sugar has been stripped of the nutrients and fruit sugar hasn’t. Glycemic index in it’s most simple explanation is how fast it gets absorbed by your body. (That’s not quite correct, but it will give you the idea behind it.) Your body works harder and slows down the absorption of the sugar when it is fructose (or natural sugar). That means it has a lower glycemic index (the lower it is the less negative impact it has on your body) It’s why diabetics are told to have low glycemic foods.
This is important, because sugar spikes are what happen if you get too much sugar in your body at once. Your body doesn’t know what to with it all. You get a short rush and then crash, because you can’t keep up with it. Your body is not meant to get it like that.
Sugar is an important part of energy drinks because sugar is what our bodies need to keep going. But our bodies use glycogen and glucose, not sucrose or even fructose. Glycogen comes from from glucose. Glucose is what your body uses right now. Glycogen is short term storage of glucose. It turns into that with the help of insulin (which your body makes properly unless you are diabetic or hypoglycemic. Too much insulin and you are hypoglycemic, too little you are diabetic). There is a limit to the amount of storage we have for both glycogen and glucose. If there isn’t enough space, it turns into long term energy storage (which is fat).
Fruit sugars break down into sucrose and glucogen, slowing the process. It spreads it out. Your body doesn’t even use the fructose unless there is an immediate need for energy and then it has to be processed by the liver. The rest is stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver. Sucrose (or refined sugars) break down into glucose which spikes because it starts immediate insulin production. Basically fructose takes a longer route and keeps your body in balance and refined sugar (or sucrose) knocks it out of balance.
Fructose gives the same energy/calories, but keeps your body in sync, puts less stress on it and is healthier for you.
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