Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Another great reason to drink Focus Up Energy Think Drink / ACT Energy!

Energy drinks are a large emerging trend in our society today with global sales of $5 billion dollars in the last year. With our fast paced lifestyles, people are looking for that “something” that will give them that all-important "get up and go" mentality. Sadly, the majority of today’s energy drinks are packed full of sugar, artificial colors and flavors and unhealthy stimulants.

As you will see in the article below, a study now shows that consumers have another worry when drinking beverages such as soda and energy drinks - tooth erosion. The breakdown of tooth enamel is caused by the effect of sugar and acid on the teeth that leads to decay.

With the increased awareness of the need for “better nutrition” in today’s world, more and more people are turning away from sodas and looking for healthier alternatives. The fact is, those people are looking for a product like Vibrant Energy 

The world's first "Energy Think Drink," Focus Up is specifically designed for those who want more out of life. Naturally designed from plant extracts and natural compounds, the ingredients found in EDGE have a long proven history for their effects on increasing mental energy and cognition. NO sugar, NO fake sweeteners, NO dangerous acids - just clean energy and a sharp mind.

Vibrant Energy.™ works on a completely different level as it has been designed to target metabolic pathways to create optimal balance and performance at the cellular level. As a result, the effect of the product can be felt for hours at a time. The goal with A.C.T.™ was to create the "World's First Healthy Energy Drink" that works "with" the body and not "against" it to get a superior result. We have accomplished that.

Popular Energy Drinks Cause Tooth Erosion, Study Shows

ScienceDaily (Mar. 16, 2008) — For more than 10 years, energy drinks in the United States have been on the rise, promising consumers more "oomph" in their day. In fact, it is estimated that the energy drink market will hit $10 billion by 2010. While that may be great news for energy drink companies, it could mean a different story for the oral health of consumers who sometimes daily rely on these drinks for that extra boost.

Previous scientific research findings have helped to warn consumers that the pH (potential of hydrogen) levels in beverages such as soda could lead to tooth erosion, the breakdown of tooth structure caused by the effect of acid on the teeth that leads to decay. The studies revealed that, whether diet or regular, ice tea or root beer, the acidity level in popular beverages that consumers drink every day contributes to the erosion of enamel.

However, in a recent study that appears in the November/December 2007 issue of General Dentistry, the Academy of General Dentistry's (AGD) clinical, peer reviewed journal, the pH level of soft drinks isn't the only factor that causes dental erosion. A beverage's "buffering capacity," or the ability to neutralize acid, plays a significant role in the cause of dental erosion.

The study examined the acidity levels of five popular beverages on the market. The results proved that popular "high energy" and sports drinks had the highest mean buffering capacity, resulting in the strongest potential for erosion of enamel.

According to the study, the popularity of energy drinks is on the rise, especially among adolescents and young adults. Their permanent teeth are more susceptible to attack from the acids found in soft drinks, due to the porous quality of their immature tooth enamel. As a result, there is high potential for erosion among this age demographic to increase.

In fact, Raymond Martin, DDS, MAGD, AGD spokesperson, says he treats more patients in their teens to 20s for tooth erosion. "They drink a great deal more sodas, sports drinks, and energy drinks," he says. "The results, if not treated early and if extensive, can lead to very severe dental issues that would require full mouth rehabilitation to correct," says Dr. Martin.

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