How is it that there seems to be segments of the world’s population that live to an old age and die healthy?
In an article on longevity, “Approaching Immortality” by well-known author, Dr. Ronald K
Latz, maintains that there are several cultures in the world with people who enjoy long, productive lives. Those who live the longest and are the most productive drink from natural spring wells rich in minerals; especially calcium and magnesium.
Some of the known disease-free centenarian cultures of the world are the Abkhazians, the Bilcabambas and the Hunzas. They live in the mountains and get their water from melting glaciers. This water, which also feeds their crops, is so white with minerals it is called “the milk of the mountains” or “glacial milk” This means their crop-growing soil is constantly being replenished with nutrients and minerals from the glacial milk.
Dr. Howard Hagglund, M.D., in an article in Health News states, “We no longer get enough nutrients in our food because farmland in this country has been ruined. It takes only ten years of intensive farming to exhaust the minerals in any given tract of land.” He goes on to describe how the depleted land gets re-fertilized every year to produce green crops. But a “green” crop doesn’t necessarily mean a crop with sufficient trace minerals to keep us healthy. Many of these corporate run farms use three minerals to replenish their soil (N-P-K Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium). Plants growing in mineral abundant soil leach more than sixty minerals. Farmers get paid by the yield not by how nutritious and mineral rich their crops are. These farms produce very large fruits and vegetables that have a nice appearance. In most cases they are picked before they are ripe, shipped in cold storage, and then gassed or irradiated to ripen them. This process kills enzymes making them even less beneficial. The majority of the people in the civilized world eating these mineral void crops are not receiving the necessary amount of essential minerals in their diet to sufficiently maintain an optimal level of good health.
People drinking from what I call “The Fountain of Youth” are among the oldest people on earth and live in and around Okinawa, Japan. In Okinawa, the calcium and other minerals come from the coral reefs and are referred to as “the milk of the oceans.” Like the other centenarian cultures, their crops are nourished with this mineral water. However, unlike the others, “the milk of the oceans” contains organic minerals that are algae based. Drinking water in this form has worked for the Okinawans for hundreds of years.
An article in the magazine Shukan Asahi stated: “Japan is number one in longevity in the world. In 1995 the ministry of welfare announced a list of names of people who were over 100 years of age. The number of people in Okinawa was four times higher than the other areas of Japan.”
According to the Japanese, in 1979 a British journalist from the Guinness Book of Records went to the island of Tokunoshima, just north of Okinawa, off the coast of Japan He interviewed the world’s oldest documented living man and found this 115-year old man to be in very good health. Furthermore this centenarian, who finally died at age 122, had worked in the fields every day until he was 105. The journalist also discovered that all the inhabitants of the island who lived to be a very old age, were healthy, and had a low incidence of serious illness and degenerative disease.
There are several common factors other than their water that contribute to the longevity of these cultures. These include low levels of stress, plenty of sleep, hard physical work and faith. They also eat a diet low in calories, fat, and meat, and high in vegetables. Combine these factors with their high intake of mineral water and you have their secret.
Sango Coral (X2O) sachets are the closest to the original form used by the Okinawa centenarians. Sango Coral is the only species of coral whose composition is nearly identical to that of the human skeleton. Because of this, the calcium and other minerals from Sango Coral are now being used for bone grafts by orthopedic surgeons throughout the world. Why is Sango coral (X2O) so beneficial? When X2O is added to pure water it is a great alkalizing agent, and its 70-plus minerals are in an ionic state. These ionic minerals may be much easier for our bodies to absorb. The organic mineral content found in X2O is a great source of natural calcium because of the algae it contains. The type of algae found in the skeletons of the Sango Coral is known as zooxanthellae or endozoic algae. When we get our calcium, magnesium and other minerals in this form, the need for large amounts of minerals in our food source may be greatly reduced.
The Japanese have numerous double- blind placebo studies proving the effectiveness of Sango (X2O)on many different health concerns. However for me, the proof is in how it has affected me and others I have shared it with.
The testimonials below are truly amazing. This is what people have experienced after drinking from what I call, “The Fountain of Youth”, (water treated with X2O).
Tom Brake, RN
Before I found Xooma and Xtreme X2O my diabetes was out of control! I took 60 units of insulin and 3000 mg of Glucophage everyday in an attempt to control my blood sugar. Even on all of the medication my blood sugar was still in the 230 to 280 range on a daily basis.
Since I have been using X2O my blood sugar has come down to a more normal range 115 to 130. But the most amazing part of that is that I have stopped taking any type of medication to control my blood sugar!
When my doctor asked me what I am doing different, I told him that I am using X2O and that I am not taking my medicine. All he could do was shake his head and just kept saying "that can't be the reason." Well I know it is the reason because adding X2O to my diet and eliminating my medications are the only things that I have changed. I can't thank Xooma and X2O enough for what they have done for me. If people will just give it a chance, X2O will change their lives as well...... Every day with X2O is better than the day before!
Peta K.
After an operation to put a plate and bolt into my leg after breaking my hip, my blood pressure dropped to 72 and I could not be hydrated. For 2 days I had a saline drip in each arm and at 9 am on the morning of the second day a super duper drip was put up, which was supposed to do wonders immediately. By 4 pm I was still terribly dehydrated and all the medical staff was getting extremely worried about me. I got my daughter to bring my Xooma bottle and some X2O sachets.
After I had drunk just over half a bottle, my water started flowing like a tap - the nurses couldn't believe it!!! I really believe that the X2O saved my life and want to say a very big “thank you” to Xooma and my sponsor for such a wonderful gift.
Mikhail L.
One of my biggest health challenges has always been my gum disease. I had gingivitis and about fifteen years ago I had surgery on my gums. It was terrible, my teeth would shake and my gums were always bleeding. The doctor told me if I did not have the surgery I might loose my teeth. It was so bad I couldn't even eat an apple. Beginning after the surgery and to this day, I get my teeth cleaned at the dentist’s office every three months. About two years ago my dentist told me I needed another surgery because my gums were getting worse, and I tried anything and everything to help the problem but nothing worked. Even an oral surgeon told me what nutrients to take, and I did, but it still didn't help. About 19 months ago I joined Xooma Worldwide. Three months after I started drinking X20 I went for my routine checkup and cleaning at my dentist’s office, and I was pleasantly surprised. My dentist said to me: “Mikhail I don’t know what you are doing, but you're doing something right because your gums healed around your teeth”. He also told me that I didn't need to have surgery anymore.
Hazel Y.
To date I have had my father on Ellagic Acid, Adult Super Food and Xtreme X20. He had bladder and prostate cancer which we received good news on late last week. After 5 months on the X2O and Ellagic Acid we are told that his bladder cancer is gone and that his prostate cancer is shrinking naturally. The Adult Super Food has really helped him to gain weight. He has put on 4 kilos and weighs in at 79 kg now. His oxygen absorption rate is 96%, which is good for a man with this condition. I attribute that to the Xtreme X20 which is oxygenating his blood and tissues.
Jimmy S
I have had severe high blood pressure for years. Taking medication I was able to get it down to 150/100. I started taking X2O about 3 months ago. After about 1 month I had my wife check my blood pressure, it was 117/65. After 2 months I have totally quit all medication and my blood pressure is still around 124/69.
My wife was so impressed that she wanted to try it. She has type 2 diabetes and they put her on blood pressure medication a few months ago. In about 3 weeks she has dropped her readings by about 15 numbers and she has cut her medications in half. Now we are working on the diabetes. We are happy campers.
Kathi H
I love this product. As a matter of fact my husband is on home life-support as a result of final stage emphysema, COPD, colon cancer and heart problems. He had to go to the hospital 11 days ago for a very bad infection at the base of his cranium. They did several blood and urine tests and his chemical balance for all of his electrolytes, potassium, magnesium, etc were all very bad. So I started him on Xtreme X2O. He had to return to the hospital the day before yesterday and they did the same blood and urine tests on him again and they "ALL CAME OUT PERFECT". Further with his emphysema, he requires oxygen 24 hours a day. He did not take it with him this time to the hospital so they checked his oxygen saturations he was at 94 % on room air (no oxygen on). Prior to X2O he was only 74% on room air. His lung doctor is in a state of total shock as to what happened and is going to try the X2O for himself. He has never seen a patient's lungs heal enough to raise the O2 Sat levels like that, he said, in his 40-year history as a Critical Care Pulmonary doctor. I think this company and product are great!
Martene E
I was diagnosed with Fatty Liver Disease, which doesn't have a known cure. Also due to genetics I am pre-disposed to high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level has been over 400 for quite a while. I was also experiencing the aches and pains that come with age.
I went to have my tests run again. The enzyme test was normal and my cholesterol was at 200 and my triglycerides at 66. My bone density was the level for a thirty year old female. Not bad considering I am 33 years beyond that. The doctor was quite surprised in making the comparisons from just six months ago. The only thing different is X2O, which I drink 2-3 times per day.
Thanks Xooma for allowing me to be young and healthy again
Dr Thomas M.
I have been drinking X2O just shy of a month and I have seen an overall benefit both internally and externally. I have had people ask me what I was doing different with my skin and hair because they look revitalized and gave me a glow. I also noticed that drinking X2O helps with proper hydration internally. I take all sorts of vitamins and supplements and they help keep things moving on the inside, but X2O has helped both my wife and me to be more regular. My children love drinking the water. I posted a quote of mine on my website "X2O is water the way God meant it to be." And I believe this with all my heart
Mitch Thornell
As I balanced my pH and body with X2O the fat started melted away. I have lost over 50 lbs and maintained a healthy weight for three years using this amazing product. The other benefits to my health have been miraculous and are too many to list some are: no more acid reflux, joint pain or headaches. My energy level is off the chart since I started drinking from the fountain of youth. Regaining my health naturally and seeing others regain theirs has been a remarkable experience.
Seeing Is Believing

I believe what I experience, and what science and history teaches me. If you want to experience for yourself the effects of drinking from our Fountain of Youth call me, or visit my web site.
Wishing you abundance in all good things.
Jeremy Hawkins
Pure Mineral Water
or call me at 256-339-7301
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